Cat Sanctuary

Winter Kitties

Darius is making a snow-angel-kitty  –  KN

The Wet Coast has for this week become The White Coast, and as usual, coastal BC reels under what is normal weather for much of the rest of the country!

Snow piled high in the front courtyard – BC

Having a cat sanctuary in BC is normally no big deal – many of the cats spend their time outside, and dedicated volunteers come from as far away as 50k to scoop or sweep or snuggle their feline friends. But when the snow hits, most of the cats vanish inside, the roads become skating rinks, and staff and volunteers struggle to get in to do their shifts.

Thanks goodness for shovelled walks – DW

It’s all very pretty-looking – till you have to slog along in it. Working in the trailers is cosy enough, but feeding the back pen cats on a snowy evening takes real determination. Thank goodness for Ken, who shovelled paths everywhere – and then had to go back and shovel them again.

Cagney and Petunia are staying out of the white stuff! – BC

Most of the cats take the sensible path and snuggle up with some buddies;  leave it to the humans to get through all that white stuff.  Other cats seem to like the contrast.  I was greeted at the gate by Kiwi, who has come to us from Alberta – obviously snow holds no fear for her!

Kiwi enjoys the snow – BC

Figaro wasn’t quite sure if he liked it, but he was ready to chase a snowball or two.

Throw another one, please!  –  BC

Some of our kitties have Norwegian Forest Cat genes – lots of fur, big paws, and no fear of snow.  Little Autumn, in the front courtyard, was having a wonderful time; her big floofy coat was coated with snow crystals, but she didn’t care!

Autumn likes her snow bathing  – BC

Leonardo diCatprio was just enjoying lying there all by himself in the snow. Leo often enjoys his own company, but I didn’t know he was a snow lover.

Sometimes I sits and thinks….    BC

Pretty Sprocket, too, has a coat that will hold off the snow.

Sprocket – BC

Once Skittles saw I was out for a walk-about, he followed me.  This boy definitely has some “weegie” in him, and snow holds no fears.  He was, however, a bit annoyed by the fact that I wouldn’t cuddle him!

Skittles  –  BC

Ploughing through snow almost at his own height, he was getting pretty well coated!

Wylee is not a snow cat and looks on all this white stuff with a certain disapproval.  He likes to be out, but he has no desire to get any wetter and colder than he has to!

Wylee wants it to go away – BC

Just like people – some like the change in the weather and are active in snow-play; others cuddle up in their beds until it’s gone again.  And this is the Lower Mainland – it won’t last long, and we’ll soon be back to the usual wet stuff!

Cadbury and Yma have cold paws!  –  LBF


Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Brigid Coult, Lisa Brill-Friesen, Karen Nicholson, Debbie Wolanski