The Divorce is Called Off
Princess & Spike are back together! – BC |
Many people think of cats as solitary creatures – and we certainly have our share of felines who would be perfectly happy if every other cat at the Sanctuary disappeared. But we also have many cats who are happy to tolerate each other’s company – and even a few who have clearly bonded relationships.
Dusty & Ridley – BC |
A quick scan of past blogs will give us an array of Best Feline Friends: Adam & May, Rudolph & Salish, Samantha & Chimo, (Chimo’s love, PawPaw, is gone, but he and Samantha are good buddies), Dusty & Ridley. Some have been bonded for most of their lives with us; others have had bonds with other cats, now passed, and have sought out a new BFF.
Princess & Spike – MW |
Spike and Princess have been a “couple” for some years. Though they didn’t arrive from the same place, they could almost always be found sharing a bed in the Double-Wide – preferably somewhere close to the med cage and the possibility of treats.
Princess – LP |
And then at some stage in the last few months, they started drifting apart – I noticed it most often when showing visitors around, and finding Spike occupying his regular space, but Princess high up on the cage-tops, or out in the back courtyard. Various other cats shared Spike’s bed, but Princess seemed to prefer keeping her distance.
Watching the old med-cage door – JN |
About six weeks ago, the med-cage (and that’s really all it was – a walk-in cage where the med-staff could track cats and dispense medications) was enlarged to about twice its size by expanding into the space of an adjacent cage and the equivalent corridor. And it just so happened that this bit of corridor was the home base for Spike, Buddy, Tugboat and half a dozen others. Of course, there is no lack of available alternate space, but there was a week or so of negotiating feline realty, and of deciding who wanted to base themselves where. During this period, little smoke-cat Sara Lee had a cage-stay for some dental care, and with her release, all the patterns seemed to change again.
Sara Lee – KN |
For years Sara Lee has been my quality control assistant at mealtimes, but now her place has been taken over by Miss Parker, who is much less ladylike (though equally enthusiastic) about getting the first taste. Sara Lee normally hovered on the other side of the laundry room, but I started to find her in the space she had once shared with her friend Kiddie.
SaraLee, with her late friend, Kiddie – DW |
And then, suddenly, there were three – Sara Lee occupying the middle of a basket, and Spike and Princess flanking her. Couple mediation? A menage a trois? I don’t know – but the three can often be found together, with the alternate combination being Spike and Princess being lovebirds once again, with Sara Lee in an adjacent bed.
A small bowl – and three loving cats – BC |
All our cats are safely spayed and neutered, of course – but, as with humans, loving relationships are less about biology and more about psychology. And these three seem to have found a balance (like Capilano, Walker and Chinook) in which they all have a part to play in making each other happy.