Cat Sanctuary


Trapped as a feral at a recycling plant, Pumpkin came to RAPS back in March of 2000. He has the distinction of being one of the original FIV cats at the sanctuary.

All this time later, he’s still maintained his feral attitude, subjecting staff like Ann to a little head-clawing as she tries to work around him. Even so, perhaps inspired by her success in getting some cuddles out of our hissy Sissy, Ann has been experimenting with trying to get past Pumpkin’s defenses.


She describes a recent attempt:

“He was sleeping back to back with Jeremy on day. I was scratching Jeremy and Pumpkin was threatening to kill me. So I just started scratching him up and down his back. So funny, he stops mid hiss, mouth hanging open…. Now if you’re careful you can reach around and scratch him. But I warn you, it’s like scratching a newspaper written in Braille!”