Cat Sanctuary

Much Love for the Cats

February blogging often offers a struggle between featuring either our Cat-Lovers for Valentine’s Day or our furry Cat-Families. This year not only are the two days well separated (especially when allowing for an early Valentine’s blog), but there are SO many Valentine’s pictures to share with you all!


For the last month, Lisa Brill-Friesen has been bringing photo-props in with her to help stage a heart-felt tribute to her beloved Sanctuary kitties.

Lisa and Ken discovered RAPS in early 2019, and visited us regularly. If something can be made, fixed or constructed, Ken will do it; an early gift from the two of them was refurbishing up the back cabins with mended roofs and fresh paint.

Chamomile & Ginger

Now they’re both on staff.  Lisa loves to garden, and has done much for the back courtyard.  But her particular love is working with the shyest cats, and she will spend hours willing them into accepting petting and tidbits.

Like other staff and volunteers she has dealt with the joy of bonding with a new furry friend, and the heartbreak of losing them – shy Napoleon, from the Merritt cats; well-named Princess Diva; sweet HIV cat Holland – all were particularly dear to her. But they remain heart-cats, and somehow her heart finds space to love another one – or two, or more…

Newly Painted Pen 2 – (M. Wright)

She has made a particular project of the cats from Kamloops who have been our Pen 6 furries. All that orange fluff makes them look the same to many of us, but she knows their names and personalities, and though they remain resolutely untamed, the way they are accepting of the presence of humans owes much to her work.

SO much love for Holland…

Thankfully, they’re not ALL orange and floofy – there are at least a few of them that are easier to tell apart! And though they may not cooperate in the intended poses, she is quick to grab the opportunity when they want to re-enact the scene from “Titanic”

Lisa’s love for shabby-chic decor is another passion, and she refurbishes and stages her “finds” with great enthusiasm.  Her own two cats are among her best “meowdels”, but there is no lack of feline talent to take the stage at the Sanctuary.

“I will never let go, Jack!”

It’s easy to see which ones are the cats who are reacting with treats in mind, and which are the ones that just love being centre-stage!

Nor did she confine her photographic efforts to the back courtyard cats – she visited around in both Single- and Double-Wide to catch the romantic view of some of our friends there.

Hearts and flowers from the cats to all of you that love them. And hearts and flowers to Lisa for all the love she shares around the Sanctuary.


Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Lisa Brill-Friesen

L-R, top: Billy & Chamomile, Billy. L-R, middle: Baby, Cornelius is a consummate ham! Cassidy, L-R, bottom: Bossanova, Oscar