Cat Sanctuary

Harry (II)

Harry is one of the newest arrivals at the sanctuary, having appeared just this past Sunday. As with more than a few other cats who end up in shelters, it was a problem with inappropriate peeing that made his former people ultimately decide they couldn’t keep him.

Meeting him on Monday, it was immediately clear that Harry is a darling. In fact, he was moving around his cage so much that it was all I could do to get a clear photo of him. Fellow volunteers Annette and Ed, making their own attempts to document the newcomer, didn’t have it much easier.

photo by Ed

photo by Annette   (with subject continuing to resist sitting still!)

Despite his exuberance, though, we were still able to see a few telltale signs of stress over the sudden change in his circumstances – a hiss at a passing cat, a low growl when he’s had enough of the human visiting his cage…
Winding up in a shelter is a big change for an animal, however friendly and outgoing the personality.