Christmas Wishes
Volunteer Pauline Chin has been exploring what Santa Paws might bring….
In celebration of the holiday season, let’s have a look at what might be on the Christmas Wish List of our kitties. This is a shortened list. The full list would keep you reading until next year.
Leland: My dream is of a life where I am the only cat – my favourite humans around to cuddle me, but no other felines.
Wickem: I’m a simple cat. I’d be happy with warm laps, snuggles, and dry feet.
Rufus: Food, glorious food. Chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon – I’ll eat them all! Just make sure you serve me first.
Jody: All I wish for is a cozy corner where I can curl up comfortably and get scritches all day. (Jody is one of our senior ladies, at more than 20 years old)
Graycie: I want my humans (mostly Shelter Manager Lisa) to spend all day and night with me. I will ensure they work hard, feed me on time, and take frequent breaks so they can love me.
Huey: An appointment book and my own secretary. I want one-on-one time with humans without the wait and without interruptions.
Skittles: Laps! Lots and lots of laps! And chicken bits too. But laps are the most important. Can I climb up on your lap right now?
Plum: No more baths! (poor Plum has manx syndrome, and a dirty bum that needs daily washing)
Smoochie: More toys! I love play time!
Our cats have various ideas on what makes them happy. Generally, it’s having humans around to give them attention, an all-you-can-eat meat buffet, or an infinite amount of things to play with. The cats don’t care what day it is, as it feels like Christmas when we fulfill their wishes throughout the year.