Cat Sanctuary


Blue came to RAPS in December of last year via a Vancouver shelter. He needed a place to live with facilities to care for cats with feline leukemia, which he unfortunately has.

The first thing that struck us about Blue was his good looks. But he didn’t waste much time showing us that he’s got a great personality to go with that stunning coat and those beautiful blue eyes.

Based on an anecdote that Gaye told me, Blue doesn’t just save his personality for his human carers, either. One of the other cats in the building was in failing health and soon to be taken on a final trip to the vet. Apparently sensing something was off, the other cats would either stay away or even act hostile, but not Blue. Even though he was still pretty new to the sanctuary at the time, he approached the sick cat and gave a gentle rub as he went by.

One thing Blue is less fond of is a big camera, so I unfortunately couldn’t get as many portrait shots of him as I would have liked, but even from a few candids, it’s clear what a lovely cat he is.