All They Want for Christmas
Have you bought a gift for your cat(s)?
In the middle of dealing with a long-as-your-arm Christmas list, there’s probably no cat-lover who’s not taken time to find something for the cat.
It might be something tasty – a can of quality cat-food (which they will probably refuse), a packet of treats, a tube of Churru…
It might be something to play with – a wand toy, a ball – or, you can seldom go wrong with catnip…
It’s likely that what will appeal most is your left-overs – the empty box, the shredded Christmas paper…
But, as the Sanctuary cats will tell you, the greatest gift is not found in a store – it’s in the heart of true friends.
Meowy Christmas from the cats!
and from Brigid, Lisa, Karen, Moira and all the staff and volunteers at RAPS Cat Sanctuary…
Featured Image: Picasso’s a Manitoba boy – all he wants is a white Christmas! (LBF)