Cat Sanctuary

….aaaand…. ACTION!

In every area of the Sanctuary, there are boxes or pots filled with cat-toys.

Tyson chomps on a commercial toy – KN

And I think most cat-owners are probably in the same space – we think “I’ve not been playing enough with Chonky; I’ll get him some new toys”, and he plays with them for a bit, and then they go under the couch or behind the fridge, or wherever, nevermore to be used.

Silky – LBF

Ah, but summertime…. when the playing is easy….

Autumn – KN
It’s the season of LONG grass stalks, which are the perfect cat toy – they have exactly the right amount of spring to tempt a hunter, claws don’t get stuck in them, if they get broken, there are plenty more where they come from.
Kiwi – LBF

So big thanks to Lisa Brill-Friesen and to Karen Nicholson for some stretchy happy-cat pictures….

Leo – LBF
Used-to-be-feral Ranger reaching for his goals….
“Take that!” says Tigger, getting unusually energetic!
Mozart (Poptart) is just a little quicker to grab than his brother Benny.
Dodger doesn’t do the streeeeetch very well, but the intent is all there
Christina Aguilera, who is one of our polydactyls, thinks that it’s really useful to have extra toes when you want to grab some grass.
Aphrodite, floofy as she is, can stretch with the best of them!
Even Licorice, who is rather arthritic, and not much into action, wanted in on playing with grass stalks.
There was a lot of action throughout the day – and there were a lot of tired cats at the end.
Blog (minimal) by Brigid Coult
Photos by Lisa Brill-Friesen & Karen Nicholson