Cat Sanctuary

Welcome Home

Mr Bojangles and Madame Hooch – MW

Our cats come from a variety of sources: local ferals, owner surrenders, and other shelters (especially when it comes to FIV cats). There are probably very few cats who come to us for happy reasons. One of the sadder ones recently brought four cats into our care – their owners were killed in an auto accident, and the family knew one of our Board members and asked for them to come to us.  There were four of them: a little tuxedo called Kelley, a big friendly white boy called Lego (short for Legolas), and a pair that were obviously litter-mates – orange tabby Mr Bojangles and tortie Madame Hooch.

Kelley in her favourite bed – MW

Initially we were given to understand that they might be FIV cats, but New Aids is pretty full right now so we moved them into the “Kitten Room” of the Moore House. The Moore is set aside for older cats who need a quieter life. Technically these four fit there – they are 11, 12 and 14 in age, and we needed to keep them together until they were tested and decisions could be made. The word got around the volunteers quickly – this was a room worth spending time in!  Everyone who has visited them has been welcomed and purred over.

Mr Bojangles is interested in everything! – MW

Personally, I’ve had a hard cat year. I lost my 17-year-old Kissa in February to kidney disease, and then 10-year-old Peggy in August to cancer. I was still a bit raw when I met these guys, but rapidly fell in love, especially with the two older ones. Mr B and Madame H are the sweetest pair. We don’t know what’s gone into their breeding, but we think there’s some Rex there – little round heads with big eyes and Yoda-like faces.

Madame H & Mr B snuggling together – BC


Mr Bojangles (named for the celebrated dancer of the 1920s) is quick to climb into a lap, and likes to put his paws up on your shoulder and offer kisses. He has a wonderful purr.


Madame Hooch (named for the flying instructor at Hogwarts) has plenty of tortitude, and could be found at the door of the room at mealtimes grumbling at the volunteer who is taking too long to bring food. The two of them get on well; they can often be found snuggling together, and they’re happy to share a lap.

Madame H loves to be held – DW

Mr B and Madame Hooch came home with me early this week, and took no time in settling in. We’ve booked a visit at the RAPS hospital to get a baseline on their health, but judging from their appetites, they’re in good shape. They’ve quickly discovered favourite places to doze, and have claimed bed-space at night.   I know as 14-year-old cats, I won’t have them for many years, but they’re a pair that need a loving home – I’d love to take all four, but I don’t think the co-op board would approve!

Legolas loves attention from people – MW

The two younger ones stand a chance of finding a home – all four have clearly been well loved and enjoy human company. Kelley and Legolas remain at the Sanctuary; potential adopters should contact the Sanctuary Manager for more information.



A happy homecoming for me and for my two new buddies.

Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Brigid Coult, Melanie Draper, Debbie Wolanski, Michele Wright
Sadly, Mr Bojangles developed lymphoma, and passed just before Christmas; Madame Hooch had sight and balance problems in the New Year that we think was probably a brain tumor and died mid-March. I only had them five months. Legolas had a bad respiratory infection and passed at the Sanctuary. Kelley, the fragile little one, is still hanging in there!