The Passing of an Icon
There are probably very few readers of this blog who’ve not experienced the pain of losing a beloved furry friend. We tend not to write about such losses – the Neko Blog was created to celebrate a place of life, and its feline inhabitants. But part of life at the Sanctuary is dealing with death – and we’re taking this opportunity to pay tribute to a sweet friend who was a faithful member of the welcoming committee.
From Claire’s blog back in September 2009:
He introduced himself to me on my very first visit. I was softing a cat sitting on a table when I felt a gentle tap-tap-tap on my knee. I looked down, and there was Cookie, looking back up at me.
I reached down to give him a soft, then went back to what I was doing.
“Hello. Would you be interested in patting a cat a little more? Me, for example?
Very friendly and such a polite boy! Cookie was the first cat whose name I learned and the first one I wished I could take home (this while I was still living in a place where I couldn’t have pets). What I hadn’t realized at first, though, is he’s not as young as his amiable demeanour may suggest. He’s also one of those odd cats who’s not dying to move in with someone and be a one-person feline.