Cat Sanctuary


Teddy came to RAPS as one of a number of older feral kittens. He was the first one of the bunch to purr, so for a time it seemed like he’d become friendly with people. But instead he regressed and never really did get totally comfortable with people.

He did love his Mario though, and could often be seen sleeping with him. Here’s a photo of the two of them that I originally posted in 2009.

Mario and Teddy
photo provided by RAPS

Now Mario has passed away, and Teddy really misses him. Leslie hopes he’ll find a new cat friend to spend time with, as these days he spends too much time sitting by himself and looking lonely.

In the mean time, she’s been spending time trying to draw him out with treats and quiet pats. Luckily, Teddy does sometimes allow a little human contact if approached slowly and not made to feel anxious. Tonight he let me stroke his head and give him chin scratches. After a little while, he even purred.

With a little help from staff and from our kitty comforters, who work with cats at the sanctuary who need a bit of extra help trusting people, Teddy might just accept a little human friendship into his life.