Cat Sanctuary


Leslie describes Syria as a little brown and white tabby. For the moment, those of us who aren’t sanctuary med staff will have to take her word for it.

Syria arrived this week from the No. 5 Rd. shelter where she’d been brought in as a stray. Her bad temper and tendency to bite under stress made her a better candidate for the sanctuary. We’re hoping that once she’s had a chance to settle in (and settle down), she’ll turn out to be a nice girl. Who knows – she may eventually even be able to move back to the 5 Rd. adoption centre.

It may seem premature to post about Syria now when this is the view she’ll let us have of her…

… but I take it as the “before” photo that will, with any luck, later be paired with a much more outgoing (not to mention visible) “after” shot. Hey, it worked with Dell, former attack cat and now happy lap cat.