Cat Sanctuary


Squeaks, says the RAPS sanctuary gallery page, was “named for his adorable voice” – something it took a while for me to get a chance to hear.

Squeaks isn’t one of those aggressively friendly cats who will insist on introducing themselves to any and all visitors and refuse to let them go without a cuddle. I had to make a point of introducing myself to Squeaks and was quickly treated to that trademark meow.


A “lovely boy” just like the sanctuary website says, Squeaks came to us after he “strayed into a home that had already reached its pet capacity.”

For anyone who’s taken even longer than I did to make Squeaks’ acquaintance, go and introduce yourself. You won’t be disappointed. And he’ll be delighted.

Updated April 30, 2012: Squeaks sadly passed away last week after many happy (and noisy) years at the sanctuary. He was loved and will be missed.

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