Cat Sanctuary


Schatze is the sister of Fiona and Miller. The three were trapped as kittens near the Massey Tunnel.

Schatze was supposed to live in the front courtyard area of the sanctuary but must have objected to the whole perimeter fence thing, as she made it known by escaping that she would prefer to live in the parking lot outside. She was lured back inside at one point, only to zip off out the gate and back into the parking lot when the opportunity presented itself.

Given this history, I didn’t hold much hope of getting more than a fleeting photo of her. Recently, though, RAPS staff were obliged to catch and bring Schatze in whether she liked it or not because she was overdue for a check-over by the vet.

When I met her last week, she was in a cage with staff-only access until they managed to get her to the vet. Fortunately, Debbie was on hand to demonstrate a level of cuddleability that comes as a pleasant surprise in a cat who’s thus far been so determined not to hang out where she can easily be loved up. Maybe this bit of time where she’s obliged to stay put and give into the urge to purr will help change her mind.


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