Cat Sanctuary


The Pen 3 cats who came to us from Alberta more than three years ago have remained a cohesive family unit.  Many of them have become adventurers who roam the length of the Back Courtyard, but they prefer to be together, and they always return to mutual snuggles in their own cabin at night. 

Summer snooze with his shy buddy Reinhardt (KN)

Since they arrived their personalities have become clearly defined. There are several quiet ones, like Reinhardt, who prefers not to encounter us too much, and there are the social butterflies like Cornelius. Up at the top end of that happily social spectrum is Lucius.

Handsome boy (MW)

Lucius is a tubby-tabby – dark tabby with classic markings – who is more than happy to play rough (though not nastily) with other cats. He’s a people-positive boy who has made himself a favourite with staff and volunteers, and is always ready to make nice for visitors – happy to jump up on a lap for a cuddle and actively seeking out petting for as long as the petter will indulge him. Despite his size, he’s not strongly treat-motivated – touch is the best treat for him.

Enjoying the winter with his buddy Cornelius (LBF)

Many of the Pen 3 cats would probably be adoptable – but they are really dependent upon each other, and even Lucius, self-confident as he is, would do better in adoption with another of his family to bring comfort. Most of them are also used to being able to roam freely within the bounds of the Sanctuary, and might need access to an enclosed garden, or to a catio for “safe freedom”.

The outdoor kennels are good summer resting places (KN)

Posing (BC)

Lucius’s self-confidence took a hit recently. He is used to being the big guy, and the easy winner in a playful rough-and-tumble. Unfortunately, he encountered Root Beer. Root Beer carries a very sensitive personal bubble around him and is not a fan of other cats. We moved him from the Front to the Back Courtyard so that he could have more space to roam, and he spent some time in a DoubleWide cage getting his meds adjusted so that he could feel calmer. Lucius obviously said the wrong thing, and Root Beer decided that only one of them could be Boss Cat. Luckily there were people around, water was deployed and Lucius finally escaped, a warier but wiser cat. He’s sticking closer to home in Pen 3, these days, and has learned a lesson about not messing with the older guys.

Blog by Brigid Coult
Featured image: “Lucius is on the prowl” by Karen Nicholson
Photos by Lisa Brill-Friesen, Brigid Coult, Karen Nicholson & Michele Wright