Loved and Lost in 2017
I think we all know what it feels like to say farewell to a beloved pet – especially when we have to take the final loving steps with them at the vet’s office. We all have favourites at the Sanctuary, and we grieve when the word is passed that one of them has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Many of the Sanctuary cats have lived here for years, and an aging population brings increased vet bills, as well as sorrow for all of us when there is nothing the vets can do.
I try to celebrate life at the Sanctuary in the Neko-blog, but there are times we need to look back and remember the cats we’ve loved and lost.
During our summer volunteer party we take time to read the list of the cats that have passed in the previous year, and the well-known legend of the Rainbow Bridge. It’s a moment that is named for raggedy Chance who passed several years ago, and there are always tears and fond memories.
So, as we end the year, here’s a last look at some of our feline friends who passed in 2017, with love.

Deety was an icon at the Sanctuary –
and lived most of his life on HIS shelf in the Double-Wide (Oct 2017)