Back in July of 2009, The Richmond Review cover story was an article with the headline Animal group pushes for pet sale ban. The article featured a purebred Cocker Spaniel named Christopher and a purebred Persian named Logan, both of whom ended up at the RAPS No. 5 Rd. shelter.
Logan and another Persian, Luke, were purchased at $1,800 for the pair. Just three days later, they were surrendered to RAPS. Did they shed on a suede sofa? Not cuddle on demand? Get Fancy Feast residue stuck to their little pink noses after eating?
Who knows?
Luke was fortunate enough to get adopted from the shelter. For Logan, still looking for a forever home after the initial three day tease, the wait was just too long. After a lengthy sojourn at the No. 5 Rd. shelter, the 4 year old began to express his bitter disappointment in the medium of pee. Now he’s at the sanctuary, which will in all likelihood be his permanent home.
Logan is – has become – one heck of a grump. When Ann tried to introduce me to him, he growled almost nonstop for the whole time we had the gall to invade his cage. No swatting or biting, which I appreciated, only glares and growls aplenty. I went back a couple of days later, armed with a bag of cat treats. This earned me an audience, but only for roughly 10 seconds after the consumption of a treat was I allowed to continue any laying on of hands. After that, it was back to the grumpy growls.
Ah well, I think he’s earned the right to a few rotten moods.