Cat Sanctuary

Jinx times two

front Jinx – MW / back Jinx – BC

Marianne recently introduced us to Jinx in the front courtyard, in the course of a blog called The Silent Meow. Jinx has become a familiar figure to us – comfortable with her space, not interacting greatly with the other cats, but not aggressive with them, either. There’s a little heartache for some of us when we see her, because her colouring is so much like that of our beloved Paulo, who we lost last year. Paulo’s meow was anything but silent, however, and our little girl is much more gentle in how she requests our attention.


Another Jinx joined us more recently and is living in the DoubleWide. This one was one of a pair of Bengals who came to us as pee-ers – sadly, a failing of Bengals. Jinx, with her companion Jersey, took a dislike to their owner’s fiancée, and when peeing on belongings became peeing on the person, they were surrendered to us with great sadness. Unfortunately Jersey’s reported sensitive stomach turned out to be cancerous, and he was not with us very long.


11-year-old Jinx was obviously hit hard by the loss – first losing her home and coming to the Sanctuary, and then losing her buddy. She was already a small cat, and lost further weight, worrying us all. Kitty Comforters made a point of visiting with her;  she wasn’t much of a lap-cat, but would sit in her bed and listen to visitors, though she didn’t always want to interact with them. Volunteers cleaning her cage needed to be careful, because she was anxious to get out and explore.


As with all new cats, she was kept caged for about six weeks, to give her time to assimilate the new smells and the human and feline visitors. Once her cage was opened, other cats promptly moved in. She wasn’t very happy about that, but shifted her base of operations to an adjacent cage. She has been discovered to be a chick-aholic;  offerings of chicken-breast are greeted with great eagerness, and she has no hesitation about pushing other larger cats aside if she thinks they have a choice morsel. Providers of tidbits need to guard their fingers; she has sharp teeth, and doesn’t distinguish between chicken and the hand that offers it. And she’s very vocal about her appreciation, greeting each mouthful with loud Nom-nom-noms…


Since emerging from her cage, she’s put on a bit of weight, and is looking good. We’ve been pleased to see her out and about a bit more; she’s discovered the cage-tops and the runways that connect them, and has started to explore her way into the back courtyard.  She’s an amusing contrast to our other Bengal, Dandelion, who is twice her size, and as sedentary as she is active. In true Bengal style, she is not very social with other cats; with humans, if food is not on offer, she will occasionally sit beside an offered lap, but not on it. If there’s food, all bets are off!

Nom nom nom… BC

Losing a home is tough for any cat – and you can’t tell them it was all their own fault. All we can do is offer her an alternative home, and as much love as she will allow us to give.

Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Brigid Coult, Phaedra Hardman, Michele Wright