Honey Bear
This sweet boy is another that has come to us from a private shelter that is closing. Normally a snowshoe Siamese like this would be much in demand, but Honey Bear has some handicaps. He has a neurological disorder that affects his rear end, making him incontinent, as well as more liable to kidney infections. He’s likely not more than a couple of years old – and yes, his eyes really are that blue!.
We had him caged for a while when he first arrived, and he proved to be very ready for contact with humans, welcoming visitors, though occasionally getting a little over-excited. His cage needed to be cleaned several times a day, since he had no control over bladder and bowels; fortunately his stomach seems to be in good order, and his poops are easy to clean up.
Since being allowed out into the general back courtyard population, he has become a little more skittish and less willing to interact with people. He’s not particularly social with other cats, though he’s quite willing to explore around his territory.
Watching him move is rather like watching WobblyBob, though we don’t think their handicaps are identical. We think Bob may have had a stroke that has affected him rather like some form of cerebellar hypoplasia; he’s not very coordinated in walking, or in focusing on offered food. Honey Bear’s handicap is specifically rear end; his front end moves normally, but his back legs in walking move in high “trotting” motions. Interestingly, when he runs, he can often coordinate them.
Despite his handicap, Honey Bear loves to climb, and his favourite hiding place to chill is right at the top of a big covered cat-tree. Volunteer Marty spends quite a bit of time with him there, offering the head-rubs he loves.
Like so many of our cats, this is truly Sanctuary for Honey Bear – he would probably be considered unadoptable by other organizations and his chances of survival would be poor. With us, he has the opportunity to make himself at home, he has the medical monitoring he needs, and he can find many humans who will love him.