A story from Leslie (first published in The Love Blog in July 2009):
“Groucho was surrendered to the sanctuary several years ago with his mother and brother, when the boys were just a year old. A family adopted his mom and bro, then came back to adopt Groucho a few weeks later. They felt badly for having left him behind. Unfortunately, their landlord wouldn’t allow so many cats, so Groucho was returned.”
can understand how the family must have felt in having to leave Groucho behind. I still feel a little bad for not being able to take Angel home when I adopted her mother and brother. Fortunately, both Groucho and Angel appear quite content to be at the sanctuary.
Groucho can often be seen on the table in the McCracken House (aka the double wide) which serves as a nice, sunny sleeping spot by the window and, vastly more importantly, as the place where the evening meal is prepared.
Groucho is a regular member of the feeding time crew who like to “help” us volunteers by testing each can opened for quality. Although occasionally distracted, as cats are, by other important pursuits such as licking himself, Groucho is an enthusiastic and dilligent food-tester.
As the ever amiable Groucho is far from being from being a grouchy-puss, it’s fairly obvious that his name has a lot to do with his markings, particularly his “mustache”, reminiscent of the famous Marx Brother.