Farrah, aka Farrah Fawcett, came to us from the same place as Metis: left behind on a farm after the owners moved away. The farm cats’ search for food brought them to a nearby home where the people fed them until RAPS was able to trap them all – a process that took more than a few months.
Farrah was the tamest of kittens born to a feral mother. While she’s now as friendly as can be, her siblings never really stopped being wild. Gaye thinks if they’d been younger when brought to RAPS – they were no longer really kittens when trapped – staff might have had better luck taming the rest of them.
While Farrah’s not pushy like some of the cats you’ll come across in the back courtyard on a sunny day, she’s just as fond of a nice cuddle. So you only have to seek her out once during a visit – after that, you’re likely to have a furry shadow for as long as you stay within range of easy following.
Ann has reminded of a “talent” of Farrah’s that adds a little something to make her stand out: an excellent impression of the Billy Idol lip curl.
The photo below was taken shortly after an unruly garden hose escaped from plant watering duty and gave all nearby cats – and photographers -an unexpected shower.