Cat Sanctuary

Cha Cha

Cha Cha originally came from a feral colony living near Princess Street in Steveston.

After being trapped and brought to the RAPS sanctuary, she was put in one of the back pens along with therest of the Princess Street cats. Cha Cha did not care for these accommodations, though, and managed to escape into the sanctuary proper.

With some cats, too early a departure from a space where they’re obliged to regularly interact with humans can result in them never losing their feral suspiciousness. Cha Cha proved far too curious about people to stay away long. Instead, she turned out to be one of those cats who gradually but quite of their own volition become tame.

Leslie remembers how Marianne named her Cha Cha because of the way she would dance when she was feeling affectionate. Marianne adds that this dancing happened when Cha Cha was happily following her favorite person… Leslie.

Cha Cha may have settled down a bit now that she’s older, but she’s no less of a cutie and still likes a visit.


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