Cat Sanctuary

Adoptions: Mika, Angel & Snowball

For the Thanksgiving weekend, it seems appropriate to post on sanctuary news we always feel thankful for: the finding of a forever home for one or more of our residents. This month we’ve been able to bid farewell and good luck to three sanctuary cats.

Happy, high energy, other cat slapping Mika has now found a home where she can enjoy human company without having to smack her way through all the feline riffraff in the front courtyard to make sure she gets her fair share (i.e. all) of the love on offer.

The other adoption story has a personal connection for me, since after adopting mother and son duo Daphne and Leo, I always felt a little pang at having had to leave sister Angel behind. Now, not only has Angel found a home, but she was able to be placed with her friend and former housemate from her pre-sanctuary days, Snowball.

The last time I saw Angel before she went home, she was more animated and cheerful than I’ve ever seen her. She purred, she rubbed, she head butted and she danced. As much as I try to be wary of projecting human thoughts on a feline brain, I couldn’t help wondering if she knew something was up – something good.


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