Cats of the Sanctuary

RAPS Cat Sanctuary visits now by admission fee

Sunday afternoons, from 1 – 4, the RAPS Cat Sanctuary welcomes visitors. This is an important opportunity for us, for the cats in our care, and for the public, who love spending time with our 500 wonderful cats. We have been welcoming as many as 100 visitors on Sundays. The popularity of this opportunity is wonderful. However, it has stretched our staff and volunteers, who need to keep a watchful eye to ensure that visitors, including unsupervised children, are not stressing the feline residents and that everyone – human and...
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Sponsor a RAPS cat – for less than $1 a day!

There are a lot of things you could spend your money on. Are there any that would make you feel as good as knowing that you are saving and improving the life of an animal? The RAPS Cat Sanctuary has a sponsorship program that invites anyone to sponsor one of our cats. This is an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the life of an animal. The RAPS Cat Sanctuary is home to almost 400 cats. Each one is an individual, with specific needs. Some have a medical condition,...
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The RAPS Cat Sanctuary

Regional Animal Protection Society has a world-class Cat Sanctuary that serves as a model for other animal rescue groups. Our Sanctuary has been toured by volunteers and staff from other municipal shelters in Metro Vancouver, Vancouver Island and the Okanagan, veterinary students, and animal rescue workers from other countries.

The Feline Sedins are not retiring from the Sanctuary!

Back in 2006, RAPS founder Carol Reichert trapped two handsome ginger boys under an east Richmond shed, and brought them to the Sanctuary. And what else can you do with a pair like this other than name them for the Canucks’ most famous redheads! Daniel and Henrik (feline version) were a pretty feral pair, and joined the rest of the front courtyard crowd of cats who prefer to steer clear of humans. The majority of those cats hang out in what’s known as the old Rabbit Area, where the shelves are...
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