There are a lot of things you could spend your money on. Are there any that would make you feel as good as knowing that you are saving and improving the life of an animal?
The sponsorship program was created to help provide the cats at the shelter whose chances of being adopted into a loving home is not very promising.
We are one of very few facilities that accommodate animals with leukemia and FIV. (Neither disease is transmissible to humans or other animal species.) We have separate areas for cats with special needs, so that they receive the care they require and other cats are not exposed to the conditions. In many jurisdictions, a positive diagnosis would mean euthanasia for many of these animals. At the RAPS Cat Sanctuary, they are enveloped in love and care for the rest of their lives.
Our Sanctuary is funded by private donations and through revenue from the Regional Animal Protection Society Thrift Store. Please consider helping our Sanctuary cats through a monthly sponsor ($25 per month) or by making an online donation today. Speak with a team member to learn more on how you can help!